Express Your Love
"I still marvel at the love, depth, and general all-around
wonderfulness that you brought to our wedding!"
~ Anoosh & Kevin
Your wedding is your heart's work of art.

What is important to you - and to you two?
Traditions? Trends? Simplicity? Fashion? Novelty? Spirituality? Humor? Nature?

We'll collaborate on your ceremony ~ to make it as truthful a picture of your love as we can. First, I'll interview you and your fiance. My journalism background gives me a knack for culling sweet and special details from our conversation.
Second, you'll look at various traditions that you value, whether they are from your heritage or spiritual path or from a far land that happens to be near in your heart.
Third, you'll explore your unique details, the ones that will help everyone in both families know you better as a couple, and delight in your love in a truly memorable way.
From there, you'll explore including family and friends in your ceremony, as you like.

Fourth, we will write your ceremony, including your writing your own vows if you choose. You can edit the ceremony as much or as little as you wish. Our goal is to create a wedding celebration that feels just like your special love.
If you have a theme for your wedding ~ whether elegant, sweet, or playful! ~ we can draw your theme through your ceremony elements. Expressing your love with your creativity can take the form of personalized words, songs, costumes, an adventure setting, or reinterpreting a tradition.