Universal Life Church Interview on Gay Weddings

The Universal Life Church interviewed me at New York City's Pop Up Chapel, a generous community event celebrating legal LGBT marriage with gift weddings for 24 gay and lesbian couples ~ some together as long as 37 years. I delighted personally and professionally in marrying two of the wonderful couples.

Jazell and Deb's First Married Kiss
We're talking about how I worked with Deb and Jazell to create their unique wedding ceremony combining the Korean Kunbere wine ceremony and traditional dress with their love story and some Buddhist elements, such as chanting a universal "Aum" and ringing a Tibetan brass bell. Jazell also invented a beautiful gesture which could become a tradition; the two wore each others' wedding rings during their own vows, which they repeated in unison. Jazell and Deb imbued their rings for each other with their promises and the devotion and joy they were feeling, and then exchanged them.

As we planned and wrote their ceremony in about a week, I collaborated with Jazell and Deb over both Skype and email ~ which is also how I work with my international couples and couples in other States. When Deb and Jazell and I met in person at Pop Up Chapel, it felt like a warm reunion. There are also images from Katrina and Tiffany's circus-theme wedding here. Enjoy!